Fire Protection Association of Pakistan (FPAP)

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 7PM Room No. 09, 1st Floor, Red Crescent Medical Centre, Jigar Moradabadi Road, Opp Islamia College, Karachi - Pakistan.

FPAP Secretary General

Sufyan Saleem Sheikh
Empowering organizations with proactive safety solutions is not just my passion—it's my mission.
Sufyan Saleem Sheikh

Salient contributions for FPAP

Level III Certified Fire Engineer

With a distinguished background as a Level III certified Fire Engineer from the Institute of Fire Engineers UK, I bring specialized expertise in fire engineering and safety standards to our organization. This certification underscores my commitment to upholding the highest professional standards in the field of fire protection.

Building Code of Pakistan

A key member of the FPAP team involved in the development of the "Building Code of Pakistan (Fire Safety Provisions-2016)." This landmark project aimed to establish comprehensive guidelines and regulations for fire safety in building design and construction throughout Pakistan.